Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 219: Painful anal, a husband who says she's "too fat", & confronting resentment



Are you ready to sign up for Take Up Space, my online boundaries workshop? Grab your spot today for just $37. Ten lessons, ten worksheets, a lifetime of shifting how you feel about boundaries. Intersex-inclusive language. Resentment in relationships. Questions from YOU! I am loving answering your questions this summer, and I'm so glad I'm getting a chance to get caught up on the backlog. Resentment is something that comes up a lot in my coaching practice. People tend to harbor all kinds of resentment without realizing it. A friend recently posted that whenever she feels resentment come up she asks herself, what aren't you saying?  And it's true - resentment breeds in the spaces where we silence ourselves, where are aren't witnessed and understood or heard and validated. When you're tolerating something, it's the launching pad for resentment. As soon as we stop being generous towards the people in our life, as soon as the little things they've always done start to irritate us or we get passive aggressive, rese