Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 217: Nadine Thornhill on saving comprehensive sex education



Do you struggle to say no without over-explaining? Do you feel hurt when people you love set boundaries that disappoint you? Are you looking for ways to stop apologizing and to start taking up more space? Well, Take Up Space, my online boundaries workshop, is now available on demand. Grab your spot today.  Nadine is saving comprehensive sex ed Ontario Canada recently elected a conservative leader named Doug Ford. One of his campaign promises is to roll back the comprehensive sex education program for Ontario schools. Nadine refuses to let that happen, so she decided to do something about it. Check out her Go Fund Me campaign and donate here. We talk all about what's in the comprehensive sex ed program and why life-long sex and relationship education is so crucial. What scares people and why do people want to roll it back? We also talk about why it's important for kids to see adults mess up and do things awkwardly, plus we answer an amazing listener question from Kip about teaching her brother about sex when t