Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 216: Boring sex, calling masturbation cheating, & stolen sex toys



Heard about it on the show? The Sex Map game is just $9 and can be purchased here. Your questions. Answered. Katie has a new fat fling. She really likes him, but he talks about diets and weight loss a lot. She's been learning about diet culture, health at every size, and fact activism, so she needs help on how to set some boundaries with him to prevent discussions about the very things she's trying to overcome. Loving Husband has lost his sex drive. On top of that, his wife only wants sex in the missionary position, and he feels so bored and uninspired by the sex they do have. Could that have an impact on his sex drive? And how can he talk to his wife about making things more interesting? A listener from a previous episode was very angry with my response and sent several angry, pissy emails to me as a result. So I take a few minutes to talk about my process and how grateful I am for the generosity and kindness most of you extend to me. Jake's girlfriend thinks masturbation and porn constitute cheating. But Ja