Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 214: Foot fetish, a husband who refuses sex, & tell tale orgasm signs



Three links to get you started: Ready to pre-order my boundaries workshop? Check out details for "Take Up Space: A Workshop on Boundaries, Self-Worth, & Strengthening Your Relationship With Self" Want free feminist porn? Enter this week's giveaway here. Deadline is Saturday, May 27th. The Sex Map game is just $9 and can be purchased here. Your questions. Answered. Bug has a funny sex toy story and wanted to share it. Beware of Pop My Cherry, folks. Regis looked up the definition of orgasm and it includes anal contractions. Regis' ex did it when she came, but their current partner's ass doesn't visibly spasm. Aren't they orgasming? Isn't this a tell-tale sign? NO. It is not. Find out why. Also, be sure to check out Emily Nagoski's new TED talk (on the big stage!) all about why body cues might not be the best way to tell what's going on with a partner. Christina's husband only gives her sex once per week. She is over it. What can she do? Why won't he fuck her but then why does he tease her with kisses and