Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 212: Secret fantasies, hating a partner's body, & virgins



Did you miss Explore More Summit 2018? Not to worry. All of the talks are available for you to bring home, plus some yummy bonuses! See your options and explore your more in life, love, and sex: It's time for more listener questions. You know I love talking with super smart awesome folks on the show, and I also adore fielding your questions. So that's what we're doing this week - your questions. Jon thinks he might be bisexual. What should he do? Pete wants to try pegging, but he is up in Alaska without any shops nearby. Where can he and his partner get everything they need for newbie pegging? Of course, I recommend the SpareParts Joque and also dildos by Tantus.  Ronman7 wrote in because he is in love and feeling happy with the woman in his life. The problem is he has a secret fantasy and he doesn't know what it means. Should he act on it? How can he be monogamous AND also true to this fantasy he carries?  Anonymous wrote in because she just can't feel attracted to her boyfriend, espec