Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 211: Amy Jo Goddard on sex, power, & leadership



SIGN UP NOW! Explore More Summit 2018 is happening now. It ends May 2nd, so grab your all-access pass for free before it's too late. What is changing in the wake of the #MeToo movement? How do we talk about sex and power? Amy Jo Goddard is joining me this week to talk about BIG things. Amy Jo is a powerhouse of change, fierce and uncompromising in her commitment to sexual liberation and social change. I've been working with her on her Sex, Power, and Leadership Conference - which is a free online conference all about liberation, social change, pleasure, and the world in a post #MeToo movement. It. Is. So. Fucking. Good. So, this episode is us geeking out about sexual liberation, tolerating touch in relationships, the importance of pleasure activism if we want to experience real change, the Bill Cosby verdict, what transformative and patient-centered gynecology can look like, and holy shit - so much more. If you want to sign-up for the conference, it's all happening April 30th - May 7th.