Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 208: Sexual liberation & intersectional sex ed with Roan Coughtry



Eager to sign-up for this year's Explore More Summit? It kicks off April 23rd, 2018 and you can enroll for free at What is intersectional sex ed? What does sexual liberation look like? This week, I'm joined by Roan Coughtry, a super rad sex educator who believes in having big conversations about how our pleasure and our bodies are impacted by the larger systems of our culture. We talk about Roan's beautiful personal statement for Trans Day of Visibility and how Roan started finding language for their gender and identity. We also explore what it means to be masculine and femme. Then, we roll around in intersectional sex education and what it brings to the table beyond comprehensive sex ed. Because we all know whatever's being taught now isn't working. And, sexual liberation - what does that mean to Roan? What can we imagine beyond where we are? Would consent even be a conversation we needed to have if we were all free? We also geek out about queer trans love stories and the ways queer tr