Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 207: Sobriety, changing a partner, & fetishizing male virgins



Are you joining us for the 3rd annual Explore More Summit? It kicks off April 23, 2018 and it's free and online. Grab your spot now at We did it. We did a live recording of the show with about a dozen of you joining in the fun. So, this is your chance to not only hear me fielding questions live, on the spot, but you'll also hear other people's thoughts and perspectives, too. I had a blast and I hope we do it again soon. So what did we chat about? DL has found that pleasure, sex, and embodiment aren't really talked about in the context of sobriety. How do they regain sensation? Why isn't anyone talking about this? On the call, I offered a few resources for DL, but afterwards, I reached out to my networks and asked for more. Head to for the full list of recommendations. Emily has trouble with her body and specifically her belly. How can she heal that relationship because it's impacting how she experiences sex with her boyfriend. Another participant asked how we can g