Sex Gets Real: Talking Sex, Relationships, And Kink With Dawn Serra

Sex Gets Real 206: Witches, sluts, and feminists with Kristen Sollée



Eager to sign-up for this year's Explore More Summit? It kicks off April 23rd, 2018 and you can enroll for free at Are you a witch, a slut, or a feminist? Then this episode is for you because Slutist founder Kristen J. Sollée is here to chat with me, Dawn Serra, about her new book by ThreeL Media, "Witches, Sluts, Feminists: Conjuring the Sex Positive." I'm not sure how much I've talked about it on the show, but I spent several years in my early twenties in a very close-knit witches coven. We met weekly, we did rituals for self-growth and world peace, and it was one of the most profound times of healing in my life. So, this book delighted the witch-of-old in me and the sex geek of now. I mean, you have to hear what "flying on a broomstick" really meant. It involves dildos. When we think about people who have been cast as witches or sluts throughout the ages, like midwives and sex workers, we see people who had power and knowledge that often men didn’t have. Kristen and I have so many th