Rainbow Valley

Episode 012 - The Rolling Stones at Altamont



As we discovered in series one, the 1960s signified, for many, a decade of revolution, a decade of hope, a decade of immense change worldwide. We must not forget however that it was also a time of conflict, the cold war and racial tension. Musically, the world moved from the rock and roll era and crooners into the British invasion, folk music and peace and love along with hippies, drugs and Woodstock. If the sixties had ended on August  17th 1969 instead of the 31st December, Woodstock would be considered  a fitting finale to a turbulent decade but instead, just a few months later the sixties dream became its nightmare at another free concert, this time headlined by the Rolling Stones. With support from Santana, Jefferson Airplane and a host of other acts, events would unfold that led to the ugliest scenes in the history of rock music culminating in the deaths of four people. The sixties would end, not so much swinging but reeling towards one of the darkest of days in the world of entertainment in 1969 l