Rock Talk: A Guide To The Films Of Dwayne Johnson

Episode 06 - Get Smart feat. Grace Aucella



DON’T CALL IT A REBOOT. It’s a big week for Rock Talk as Jordan and Charlie are joined by guest jabroni Grace Aucella to discuss 2008’s secret agent parody “Get Smart”! They’ll tackle some of our generation’s toughest questions. At what point does a movie become a Dwayne Johnson movie? What was funny during the Bush administration? What’s the ideal length for a movie? PLUS: A NEW THEME SONG COURTESY OF @ERICDAINO!! Also: The Rock’s stunt double!! Jumanji trailer released!! Elizabeth Warren loves Ballers?? The jabronis also introduce a new kind of rating system, THE FRANCHISE VIAGRA TEST. It answers a pressing question: Do we want to see a sequel?