Self-aware Millennial

Season One: Episode 6 // Graceful Exits with Geri Suster



Liv speaks with executive, mother, and author Geri Suster about handling relationship endings with grace.The topic of graceful exits is one I think is important because in my experience, many of us are ill-prepared for and bad at handling endings. Despite fundamentally knowing all things end, we live as if they don’t, so when a pet dies, a relationship ends, or we lose our jobs, we don’t always handles things well. More often than not, we make a big fat mess as we exit, creating all sorts of baggage we lug around for years, if not forever.I don’t know about you, but that isn’t how I want to live my life. So, I’m beyond ecstatic to be having this conversation with Geri, and hope her message with resonate with you as it does me.