Mike Lenz Voice - A Journey Into Voice Acting

127 - Roy Worley Interview



Growing up on the outskirts of Memphis, Tennessee in a large extended family, Roy Worley learned the art of storytelling from his grandpa, Paw Neely who instilled a strong sense of family, hard work, and a love for Christ.  As an extrovert, Roy loves being around people, talking and laughing over a strong cup of coffee.  These days Roy and his wife Rebecca call the Chicago area home. ​ After earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Education, Roy felt God’s calling upon him to commit full time to preaching and teaching the Word of God and entered Mid America Baptist Theological Seminary in his hometown of Memphis where he earned a Master of Divinity degree.  Over the years he has served as both a pastor and foreign missionary.  He and his wife were privileged to live in Chile for six years where they shared the Lord’s message in Spanish (yep, he’s fluent), helping Chilean Christians learn how to study the Bible for themselves and how to share their faith with whomever was interested. ​ Now, when not working a