Josie And The Podcast

Edlyn Pena // Changing the Autism Game, Celebrating Life Changing Technology & Empowering Parental Involvement in College



This episode features an award-winning social justice researcher who specializes in students with disabilities – particularly autism. Dr. Edlyn Pena believes technology is changing the lives of people with disabilities and her research is pushing these possibilities even further. This is a very personal topic for her – as she is a fierce advocate and proud mama-bear of her son Diego who has autism. But you’ll hear how even in third grade, Diego is breaking assumptions of what is possible such as his first published book that hit records on Amazon, called Anatomy of Autism. You’ll learn more about what is autism, the tech tools the Pena family uses for communication and the long-term commitment Dr. Pena has in changing the autism game so her son and others with disabilities can have purpose-filled lives.