Josie And The Podcast

Erik Qualman // Empowering Your Best Life, Leadership & Legacy, The Power of LinkedIn & Lessons as College Athletes



Often called a Digital Dale Carnegie and The Tony Robbins of Tech, Erik Qualman is a #1 Best Selling Author and Motivational Keynote Speaker that has spoken in 44 countries – and on the podcast - he offers both motivation and tactical tips as a leader in the digital age. We cover content from his most recent book, How to Sell on LinkedIn: 30 Tips in 30 Days as well as one of my favorite that inspired my own research, Digital Leader: 5 Habits Simple Keys for Success and Influence. In our conversation, we also discover how we were both walk-on college athletes, and share the hard work it took on and off the court. Erik and I also discuss the attention on college athletes’ social media platforms. Throughout the podcast, we explore skills for digital leaders that include posting it forward, finding the balance between on and offline and actively producing your digital reputation.