Systems For Success

34. What 2020 Taught Us | A Family Round Table



2020 was a crazy year that gave us unique opportunities for profound learnings that can only happen when life is disrupted.  We all learned more about ourselves, our relationships, our purposes and our values.  Join our family as we gather around the table to share some of our highest impact learnings from challenging circumstances, accomplishments and mistakes.   This entry from one of Lachelle’s 2020 reflection may give you some encouragement on your journey:  When the world is chaos, when the boat is being rocked and the waves and the wind are large and wild, I have found my footing. I'm proud of us and proud of me. I love what we've created in our little family, how we see the world, the joy that keeps us going.  We look for beauty. We are able to be flexible.  We grieve and grow, but we don't stay low.  We rest and we go.  We create the experiences and work towards the attitudes we want to keep, that serve our lives.  We are certain of our foundation, the solid rock. He is unshakable and has proven such