Martini Mortgage Podcast

What is going on that you need to know!



The 100th episode of the Martini Mortgage Podcast with Kevin Martini is called: “What is going on that you need to know!” Kevin Martini is not just the host of the Martini Mortgager Podcast, he is also the Branch Manager and Senior Mortgage Strategist of the Martini Mortgage Group at Benchmark Mortgage which is located in Raleigh, North Carolina and helps families in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. So many are out of work right now!  At the end of February 2020, the jobless rate was 3.5% with 5.8 million people out-of-work..  At the end of April 2020, the jobless rate was 14.7%  with 23.1 million people out-or work. What is the impact of this high unemployment on housing values and mortgage rates? Is the unemployment picture getting better? “Here is my take based on data and it is critical that I share the numbers are not pretty but they do show me that the worse may be in the rearview mirror.” Kevin Martini According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistic thing are getting better.  Not minim