Martini Mortgage Podcast

Credit Score 101



Credit score 101 is the name of the 101st episode of the Martini Mortgage Podcast which is hosted by Raleigh Mortgage Strategist Kevin Martini with the Martini Mortgage Group at Benchmark Mortgage.    FACT: You need a credit to secure a mortgage.    FACT: Many people overestimate what their credit score needs to be in order to secure a mortgage.  In addition, many people overestimate the amount of money that is needed for down payment to buy a home and secure a mortgage.   FACT: Your credit score does NOT define who you are.   FACT: Poor credit can become exceptional credit   Credit Score…what is considered poor, what is considered exceptional.   Credit score for the purpose of mortgage ranges from 300 to 850.  The higher the score the better!  There are several bracket of credit score: the highest bracket is ‘exceptional’ and the lowest bracket is ‘poor’.  If your credit is at 800 or north of 800 it is considered to be exceptional.  If your credit score is between 799 to 740 it is considered to be very good.