Selling Los Angeles

You Found Your Dream Home, Now What?



Imagine finding the home of your dreams. The house that checks all the boxes. The house is gorgeous, the price is right, it feels like home, but, there are already nine offers.   Cash offers seem to be the ace of spades when there are multiple offers, but sometimes sellers accept offers with certain contingencies because the offer is a better total package. If you play your cards right, you can end up with the house you love.   Before closing a deal, I always advise buyers to get multiple home inspections. A dream house isn’t so dreamy if the sewer line has hidden problems. In addition to a general home inspection, I recommend a chimney inspection, a sewer line inspection, a mold inspection, and even search the area for registered sex offenders at   A few other tips before you buy: call the local sheriff’s office and ask about the criminal activity in the neighborhood where you are looking to buy, find out what school district the house is in, and definitely make sure the permits pulled for the