Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story #84 Spoilers Assemble! An Avengers Endgame Analysis - Pt. 1



Alex and Chris offer a spoiler-rich analysis of Avengers: Endgame from the perspective of older fans and writers/creators. The result is a two-part extravaganza celebrating the writing/producer/directing/acting/behind the camera efforts to create this epic conclusion to an unprecedented 22-film tapestry of a story. Our opinions differ at times from other podcasters and YouTubers coming at this from a younger perspective (or, in one case, a Hawkeye hating POV), and we alternate between being fans of a certain age and longtime creators offering insight, but, ultimately, we hope you enjoy  our take on a masterful example of creatives all working together to Tell The Damn Story. Have questions or comments for us, and I hope you do?  Then post them in the comments section below ... Or write: