Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story Episode #83: From Russia to the U.S. And Back. Telling The Story Through Comics



They came to the U.S. to see how we tell stories about social justice through comics.  In this episode Alex and Chris interview several artists (Anastasia, Alexey, and Mitia) from Russia.  For a little over a week they toured the country meeting independent  and main stream comic artists and publishers.  That in itself is quite a story.  But even more amazing is their efforts to reflect through their comics, some of the same issues we face all over the world, even here at home.  Art truly is the bridge. * This was not recorded in a studio, but from several different locations.  Also, since english is not the first language for all the participants  (plus Chris and Alex are not bi-lingual), so you'll have to listen more closely.  Have questions or comments for us, and I hope you do?   Post them in the comments section below ... Or write: For info on the KIDS COMIC CON: www.KIDSCOMICCON. COM