Unclassified Woman

43: Celebrating Unclassified Women with Seane Corn



Welcome to a very special show! This episode is monumental because this week marks the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of this Unclassified Woman podcast. It is also International Childfree Day on 1st August. This commenced in the USA in the 70's, to support and educate those who were consciously choosing not to have biological children. I’m honoured to share with you conversations with many self-empowered women around the world, blazing their own trails and embodying what it means to be a woman living her own truth. This has been a deeply reflective year for me as I have learnt so much from each of these women and been reminded of how there are so many variables in each woman's life. Sweeping generalisations are harmful and limiting to all women - so let's unite in supporting all women, whatever their life choices and circumstances. We have more in common than our differences and we all want to be loved and accepted for who we are. Today’s special show features an impactful woman and internationally celebrated yoga tea