Unclassified Woman

41: Many opportunties for mothering with Kristen Barnes



Welcome! Today’s Unclassified Woman is Kristen Barnes from Melbourne, Australia. Kristen is in private practice as a registered psychologist and certified life coach. She has 25 years’ experience in counselling, therapeutic coaching, and using her supervisory skills to help coaches and therapists value themselves and carve out a passionate life. Kristen believes that you are most passionate and powerful when you simply dare to be yourself! Join us! What you’ll hear in this episode: Circumstances have combined to prevent traditional motherhood for Kristen. How she pursued motherhood via IVF and adopted embryos  over a 20 year period. Unexplained fertility prevailed, even though she tried everything humanly possible to have a biological child. How Kristen fostered homeless adolescents in a mothering role. “It was meant to be.” Her experience with an ongoing grieving process. Cultural expectations and stigmas that she has observed. “I felt like children were viewed as currency.” How Kristen dealt with inappropr