Unclassified Woman

21: Coaching Through Childlessness with Lesley Pyne



Welcome! Today’s guest is Lesley Pyne, who is a leading coach for childless women in the UK, helping them to heal and create fulfilling lives. After unsuccessful IVF treatments, she spent ten years hiding from the truth of her life. She trained in techniques that helped her learn to let go of the grief and sadness. Lesley now uses her story, firsthand experience and professional skills to help other women heal. She facilitates them in being able to have a deep understanding of their experience, so they can embrace an adventurous, fulfilling life. Lesley's warmth and empathy shines through. In this episode, you’ll hear: Lesley pursued pregnancy through six rounds of IVF and then determined that “that was enough.” She is childless through circumstance. It took ten years of healing before she found herself in the place to be comfortable talking about her experience. “Childlessness is the biggest gift in my life because without it I wouldn’t have the fulfilling life I have now.” Lesley shares the lengths that sh