Public Speaking With David Murray

Client question – What should I do if I feel nervous before public speaking and presenting? – 078



Lots of clients I have worked with have built up a great arsenal of tools and skills in public speaking and presenting. The 5 Steps to Public Speaking Success online programme is available to buy now.  Find out more by visiting: However, sometimes they find themselves so overwhelmed with nerves, anxiety or pressure before they are going to deliver an important speech or presentation, that they forget all the good things they know. This means they rush through their speech or presentation and don’t feel they did a good enough job. Some of my clients were asking me, “What can they do about it?” So in response to that, I have made this guided mindfulness exercise. If you find yourself getting a little worked up before sharing a message with lots of people Or just when you are communicating with a few and ask yourself, "What can I do about it?", Try this mindfulness exercise before delivering your next speech or presentation. In today’s epis