Archie And Reg

The so-called "Missing Episodes". Chapter 2.



You may recall, dear Listener, that the so-called "host" of this podcast failed in their duties and wiped our first twenty vital missives simply because we refused to pay the bill!Regardless, here is a second of volume of so-called "missing episodes" from the far distant days of Autumn 2017. Honestly, it's like delivering the "world's best podcast"* in Nazi Germany, it really is.In this volume Noel bloody Edmonds makes his first appearance, Pascale (French chap, bit simple) had an unfortunate incident whilst trying to sample the milky goodness of a cow, an evil Nun commits an atrocity, Archie has an issue with a Squirrel, Reg recalls a famous star of the Carry On films taking refuge in his intimate area, Archie misunderstands a joke and forms an opinion on Woody Allen, Titchmarsh shows off his impressive vegetable, some Eggnog is far too salty, Derek fails to arrive and Peter arrives. And he arrives hard. Dirty boy.Anyway, why not give us a review on iTunes? We might ev