Doha Heat

Ep. 330 Meet The Real Steve Mackie



2.08 – Joined The Army at 16 2.45 – Why Joining the army – age 15,16 had 3 options Wind Surfing, Scholarship Bristol Alvick, Apprenticeship with Anglian Windows, 3.35 – Religious retreat, roman catholic going away at weekends. Heard a voice in his head, what should I do and it said to join the army. The next day he signed up. 5.07 – Someone had belief in him and never forget it, so wants to give back when it comes to other people. 6.15 – Chef in the army. Wanted to go in the household cavalry but they didn’t let him. 7.30 – The love of home economics led him to be a chef in the army 8.04 – Army marches on its stomach 8.48 – Been all over the world for 10 years in the army. 10.04 – I can't read and I can't write but I can drive a tractor – saying because he was from Bristol. 10.50 – If he was told he can't do it, he always wanted to prove them wrong. 13.10 – Didn’t stand for bullying, but wanted to help people and to be fair. 13.40 – Being in the service industry to do your best, provide quality. 14.00 – Stupi