Loud Murmurs

S3 E7 Looking for “the good place” in time of Covid-19



Dear listeners, we hope you’re doing well wherever you may be. The hosts of Loud Murmurs have all been staying at home to help curb the epidemic and we thought what better way to retain our sanity than to talk about death, the meaning of life and ethics? In this episode, we invited our old friend Santu to talk about NBC’s comedy “The Good Place.” The comedy explores the above-mentioned large themes but still manages to be smart, moving and funny through its four seasons. We can’t talk about this show without spoiling it so consider yourself warned. Some stuff we talked about: How did writers of the show incorporate philosophical concepts and make jokes about them?Is Chidi a true Kantian? Or is the character’s understanding of Kant’s categorical imperative a flawed one?  What’s up with people’s obsession with Janet? Santu thinks we see similar characters in wuxia stories. Is Jason reinforcing or combating the Asian male stereotype on American TV? Last but not least, we recommend some books we mentioned in the