The Dog's Way Podcast: Dog Training For Real Life

Session 078: Train Your Dog to Run With you While you Ride a Bike



On today's show I answer a two commonly asked questions; the first from Tanya, one of our listeners. I get a lot of questions specifically about this. If you listen regularly to the podcast I'm sure you've noticed that I make occasional references to my video training series but I don't often talk about the details. I think the explanation of the video series will help you understand my approach and method to step-by-step training for your dog.  Next I respond to Julie, who asks about a specific type of training regarding dogs walking alongside you while you bike! So I'll take the opportunity to discuss this in depth as well.  Video Training Series This is a 12-part series designed to slowly progress in difficulty so that you can become accustomed to these methods with your dog so you both learn the fundamentals together. I go through this process with six different people and different kinds of dogs. Some of the benefits of this for use of the videos is; Using dogs of different sizes With different age leve