Live Your Dance Podcast - Molly King

Live Your Dance Episode 10: How to Make the Leap with Lifestyle Entrepreneur Lewis Howes



Seeing as this is the 10th(!) Live Your Dance episode, I thought I’d so something special. I’ve dug out of my archives my very first episode of the podcast that I recorded back in 2013*—back when this podcast was more of a dream than a reality. Lewis and I went to the same high school, and he was a surrogate big brother of sorts—since he was a senior when I was a freshman, so it was such a blast to reconnect with him and pick his brain.  *hence why I may sound like a bit of a noob ;) Lewis brought his A-game and got right into sharing some great coaching for anyone who is on the cusp of going after their dream—whether it’s starting your own business, going after a goal, or taking the next big step towards creating the life that you really want to live.  Since the recording (in early 2013), Lewis has made major strides in his own business and life, and was most recently written up in Forbes as a Million-Dollar One-Person business for his success. He’s also the founder of The School of Greatness Podcast and