Thinking And Doing With Skyler J. Collins

King or Tyrant & The Jurisdiction of Fate (16m) – Episode 042



Post by Skyler J. Collins (Editor). Episode 042 looks at two Stoic topics: the first from Seneca who wrote, "“Our soul is sometimes a king, and sometimes a tyrant. A king, by attending to what is honorable, protects the good health of the body in its care, and gives it no base or sordid command. But an uncontrolled, desire-fueled, over-indulged soul is turned from a king into that most feared and detested thing—a tyrant."; and the second from r/Stoicism, a post by answersamir, who started off with, "Its true that fate has jurisdiction over your birth and death. It can also be argued that fate confines you within some realm of possibilities throughout your life."