Wynn With Dogs- Healthy & Happy Dogs - Pets & Animals On Pet Life Radio (petliferadio.com)

PetLifeRadio.com - Wynn With Dogs - Episode 21 East Meets West



Eastern and western medicine can coexist to make for a healthy, happy pup. Join Raquel as she speaks with holistic veterinarian, Dr. Mark Smith. Dr. Smith received his veterinary degree from the University of Tennessee, and further supplemented his education at the Chi institute of Chinese medicine. There are many ways to approach health and traditional Chinese veterinary medicine and conventional western veterinary medicine both have a valid place. Listen in as we discuss, acupuncture, herbal therapy, qui-na, and a nutritional approach heavily guided by the energetic principals of food, termed food therapy. We all strive for balance, and each pup is different, certainly this episode will complement your pup’s unique recipe for health. Skeptics and believers...tune in and win with dogs! More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - East Meets West with Raquel Wynn