Babe And Mimi The Biggest Loser Podcast

Episode 05 Nov 4 - Ups ...and Downs



The fallout continues as more players are revealed to have participated in Neil's plan to get the edge over other teams. It's a game, a big money-prize is on the rainbow, but even Neil said it best "There are unwritten rules to this game..." We're still rooting for the lovefest to renew itself. Seemed like Hollie or Kae would've been the target last week but Dave was sent home. He seems to have it all together back at home w/ his family. Good luck D.!Babe and Mimi enter the 21st century and are very grateful and proud to announce that Black Team Hollie is our first (and only...besides Tom) friend at our new my space blog. Please come over there and get added to our friends list!Isabeau is looking hot hot hot! Check out her My Space for some of her original tunes for sale. Good stuff.The show is getting good. So much emotion. Let's hope everybody can survive this, including all of us!We don't talk yoga or food or anything. Enjoy the mashup though. Dr. Waumiau's "1,2 Step Salmon R