Babe And Mimi The Biggest Loser Podcast

Episode 04 Oct 24 - Watergate!



Say it ain't so!!! Why do we all feel so blindsided... Dude GAINS 17 pounds, SEVENTEEN pounds in a week?? Ah, he admits, reluctantly, to drinking 2 gallons of water before the weigh in. Hasn't this water-load tactic been used before? Never so blatantly. Babe and Mimi didn't even know about it til the whispers of Red Team doing it a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately, for Jez, ...and Jillian... and the Black Team... and the viewers ...and the loyal fans, we all got slapped. What will happen with the dynamics of the contestants and the trainers on next week's ep? We'll all been tuned in to see, that's for sure!This episode should be called "Innocence Lost" cuz that's how it feels... I thought they were all trying real hard to lose weight and achieve a greater goal for themselves. Ah well.. everybody could use 250K.We launch the Babe and Mimi Food Segment with the esteemed Faye. Listen as she tells us how to keep prepared for anything, make a stir fry, and create a different state of mind when it comes to y