Babe And Mimi The Biggest Loser Podcast

Episode 03 Oct 14 - Yoga Yourself



The Biggest Losers end up in Jamaica and lots o'folks aren't quite sure of their purpose there. Jez and Jillian's exchange was the best of the episode. Black team breaks up the twins and sends Jim off the campus. How did Red Team manage to each only lose 1 lb last week and then all kick out 10 plus this week? Hmmm...We talk about Redskins, Friday Night Lights (a GREAT show!), our podcasting friends Sistah's En Review episode 9, and a funny story about gramma's final words.Don't get freaked out, but babe and mimi are both doing yoga and share the warm n/ fuzzies they get from its benefits. Babe and Mimi Food Segment coming in future eps. Get a nano. Pick up Womankind on Annie Lennox's new album at iTunes. Oh heck, get the whole kick a-- album!Darn, I wanted to talk about Big Brother buzz regarding Dick, Zach, final competition, mirrors, angles of opportunity...or not. Maybe next time.Hey, please send us an email, voicemail, leave a comment, sumthin'! Send us some Yo!