9ine Point Started With A Dream Podcast W/ Jacolby Gilliam

Ep. 92 Kill The Kritics with Marlain Veal



In episode 92 of http://9inepointmag.com/the_started_with_a_dream_podcast_jacolby_gilliam/ (The 9INE POINT Started With A Dream Podcast), http://9inepointmag.com/creator-jacolby-gilliam/ (Jacolby Gilliam) talks with Marlain Veal about his athletic journey. A journey he would call "Kill The Kritics." Being 5'9 Marlain was often questioned if he could play the game against guys that were taller. He used that as motivation to show that he could hold his own and excel among the doubters. He went on to win numerous of awards before heading to college. In college Marlain Veal learned how to complete his basketball game by learning how to complement his athletic ability. Now after just completing his rookie season overseas in Turkey Marlain this new chapter of Marlain's journey is just getting started.