9ine Point Started With A Dream Podcast W/ Jacolby Gilliam

Ep. 81 A Decade Of Adventures With Professional Volleyball Player Marisa Field



In episode 81, of http://9inepointmag.com/the_started_with_a_dream_podcast_jacolby_gilliam/ (The 9INE POINT Started With A Dream Podcast), http://9inepointmag.com/creator-jacolby-gilliam/ (Jacolby Gilliam) talks with Professional Volleyball Player and Former Team Canada Volleyball Marisa Field about her journey. In this episode, Marisa shares her athletic journey and what it is like being an athlete abroad. Marisa's journey started out with her being a 12-year-old athlete with an MSN account with a bio saying "pro volleyball player for Team Canada." A dream she manifested to reality. That dream did not come true overnight as Marisa. It took her pushing herself to play against higher competition at an early age and taking advantage of opportunities her coaches placed in front of her. Currently, she is playing professional volleyball overseas in Athen's, Greece. Like most athletes, Marisa Fields finds herself at the start of the transition into preparing for life after sports. Between playing the sport she love