9ine Point Started With A Dream Podcast W/ Jacolby Gilliam

Ep. 57 Vincent Valentine Jr. V2 Academy Founder And NFL Defensive Tackle Inspiring The Youth And His Community To See What’s Possible



“I truly wanted to do it for the kids and I feel like that’s what makes it makes it more rewarding because I’m not doing it for the money. I’m not worrying about what I can get out of it. Even if we only touch one kid’s life that’s more amazing to me than nobody, […] The post https://www.9inepointmag.com/9ine-point-media/podcasts/ep-57-vincent-valentine-jr-v2-academy-founder-and-nfl-defensive-tackle-inspiring-the-youth-and-his-community-to-see-whats-possible-2/ (Ep. 57 Vincent Valentine Jr. V2 Academy Founder And NFL Defensive Tackle Inspiring The Youth And His Community To See What’s Possible) appeared first on https://www.9inepointmag.com (9INE POINT).