9ine Point Started With A Dream Podcast W/ Jacolby Gilliam

Ep. 53 Derek Thiessen – How The Daily Athlete Is Developing The Athlete Mindset Through Journaling



“At the end of the day, yeah, you can have some indicators outside of you to say you’re on the right track. You’re doing the right things, but the end of the day it’s up to you to decide if you want to pursue something. It’s up to you to decide are you going to […] The post https://www.9inepointmag.com/9ine-point-media/podcasts/ep-53-derek-thiessen-how-the-daily-athlete-is-developing-the-athlete-mindset-through-journaling-2/ (Ep. 53 Derek Thiessen – How The Daily Athlete Is Developing The Athlete Mindset Through Journaling) appeared first on https://www.9inepointmag.com (9INE POINT).