9ine Point Started With A Dream Podcast W/ Jacolby Gilliam

Ep 50 Helping Athletes Create Relationships With Amanda McGrew of Playoff Dating App



“I’m single and online dating is like the way of the world and I’m just not that good at it. I guess like it just sucks. You know, I everyone laughs because I hate online dating and I ended up creating an online dating app, but it was really just out of necessity.” – Amanda […] The post https://www.9inepointmag.com/9ine-point-media/podcasts/ep-50-helping-athletes-create-relationships-with-amanda-mcgrew-of-playoff-dating-app/ (Ep 50 Helping Athletes Create Relationships With Amanda McGrew of Playoff Dating App) appeared first on https://www.9inepointmag.com (9INE POINT).