9ine Point Started With A Dream Podcast W/ Jacolby Gilliam

Ep. 12 Taking Advantage of Opportunities As They Come With Great Britain Paralympian James Roberts



I think I had that desire and drive to if anybody said well you I don’t think he’s been do this. This isn’t you, you’re not like that kind of negative wording like well. Okay. I’m gonna purposely go out there and prove you wrong, so I think it’s it’s I think it comes down […] The post https://www.9inepointmag.com/9ine-point-media/podcasts/ep-12-taking-advantage-of-opportunities-as-they-come-with-great-britain-paralympian-james-roberts/ (Ep. 12 Taking Advantage of Opportunities As They Come With Great Britain Paralympian James Roberts) appeared first on https://www.9inepointmag.com (9INE POINT).