9ine Point Started With A Dream Podcast W/ Jacolby Gilliam

Ep. 4 Nigel Byam on How He Market Yourself To Achieve Your Dreams



I would workout, set a work day for myself it would be 8 hours of work. I am going to put in 8 hours of work. I would be in the gym for 3 hours working out lifting weights all that good stuff, and then I would be on the computer marketing myself for 5 […] The post https://www.9inepointmag.com/9ine-point-media/podcasts/ep-4-nigel-byam-on-how-he-marketed-himself-to-become-a-professional-basketball-player-when-no-one-knew-his-name/ (Ep. 4 Nigel Byam on How He Market Yourself To Achieve Your Dreams) appeared first on https://www.9inepointmag.com (9INE POINT).