Cafe Seoul: Expat Life In Korea

Cafe Seoul 2016 07 07 419 Ask Ajumma



Maybe you've been looking around on Facebook and seen the ads for the company called "Ask Ajumma." What is Ask Ajumma, or better yet, WHO is Ask Ajumma. Café Seoul leaves no stone unturned in our quest to find out more about the who's who in Korea. (Okay, we actually just Asked Ajumma). Ask Ajumma is in fact an actual person, Maria Lee. News of the Weird w/ Eugene-Idiots protest Chinese dogmeat festival in Chinatown, NY-'Feminists' protest free coffee for soldiers at Starbucks-Korea Unveils New Creative Branding SloganOn the Pulse w/ RobAll about Maria Lee and the Ask Ajumma Concierge Service. In a nutshell, the service helps those with language or cultural barriers or those who just don't want to deal with ordering or finding things. It will find anything you want and find a way to deliver it to you.