Cafe Seoul: Expat Life In Korea

Cafe Seoul 2016 04 21 414 The Baby Box



Finally! The fabled, long awaited Baby Box episode! I'm sure you listeners out there have had enough of the discussions about which superhero films are good and which aren't, or who's a cool expat doing cool stuff, so this episode is a bit of a serious one. Perhaps you found your way here as you were linked from somewhere else to either defend or argue against the baby box. If so, welcome. This writeup will get to the baby box soon enough.News of the WeirdKorean Girls Try American Pizza Korea Herald says Japanese are boycotting McDonaldsNetizen Asks in Naver Cafe if it would be okay to Adopt Children to get Housing Benefits, then Relinquish the ChildrenAsk Rob and EugeneWhy do both Rob and Eugene care about adoptee issues if neither of us are adoptees?On the Pulse w/RobAnd this is where the show gets a bit on the heavy side. We were put in touch with Ross Oke who is a human rights activist to discuss the baby box. Admittedly, going into the conversation, all three of us are very much against the baby box and