Play Your Position With Mary Lou Kayser

411: Peter Docker on Leading from the Jumpseat



Peter Docker is a co-author of Find Your Why (global sales of over 420,000), and previously a founding Igniter at Simon Sinek Inc. His new book is called Leading from the Jumpseat: How to Create Extraordinary Opportunities by Handing Over Control. Jumpseat Leadership is a way of interacting with people that will enhance performance in any given situation – during normal business, times of crisis, and life in general. Handing over the reins to others is inevitable. Everyone will eventually leave their team, retire from being the CEO, or see their kids leave home and lead their own lives. Leading from the Jumpseat enables us to embrace this inevitability. Peter believes that everyone is capable of accomplishing extraordinary things. He’s here today to talk about his book, what it’s like to work with Simon Sinek, and when he got his call to leadership.   = = = = =   The Team here at PYP has put together another uplifting, insightful, and inspiring show for you today. Our goal is to bring you timely, relevant, an