Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

Intuitive Knowing



You can easily tap into your inner guidance system to find answers... Sometimes we get too caught up in our own minds and overly concerned with outside influences  This may block our ability to hear our own innate wisdom and keep us from staying in alignment with our highest self A spiritual connection isn't always religious, but either way it can help you connect to your inner voice You can access this by sitting in a quiet space and taking a few deep breaths while listening for what comes in This can be very helpful when trying to make important decisions or when feeling your way through a situation Our "gut" is always trying to tell us something, but whether we listen to it or not is up to us Tapping into your inner guidance system is very important so please watch the video to learn how and why For weekly wellbeing readings and intuitive guidance training, please join my Monthly Membership. If you missed a live session, you'll be able to access the replay in your member page portal. You can join monthl