
Brutally Honest Advice On Writing Your First Book - Kim O'Hara



Want to see the video version of this podcast? Please visit Youtube here: Kim O'Hara was born in Warren, Rhode Island, and produced her first motion picture at the age of 25. Trailers of her movies can be accessed on She was the screenwriter on American Reunion. She is very open about the fact that she thought she could make movies about troubled characters to heal audiences, but found frustration in limited distribution of her films. Her personal crisis and recovery from sexual abuse and addictions after the birth of her second child led her to discover book coaching, and she opened her company A Story Inside. She coaches women ready to speak their truth through writing their books. Writing is a challenge for many people, then add in recovery from the shame and denial of sexual abuse. Kim's book makes healing through writing accessible to anyone with her signature writing prompts. No subject is untouched, from spirituality to sexuality, and