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- Hawkeye: Kate Bishop #1 (de 5). Marieke Nijkamp (W), Enid Balám (A), Oren Junior (I), Brittany Peer (C). (Marvel). - Hulk #1. Donny Cates (W), Ryan Ottley (A), Frank Martin (C). (Marvel). - Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons #1. Kelly Sue DeConnick (W), Phil Jimenez (A), Hi-Fi, Arif Prianto y Romulo Fajardo Jr. (C). (DC). - The Human Target #2. Tom King (W), Greg Smallwood (A/C). (DC). Los Irresistibles [00:34:48]: Captain Marvel #34, Daredevil #36, Marauders #26, Once and Future #22, The Death of Doctor Strange #3 (de 6), The Me You Love in the Dark #5 (final), Thor #19.