Flipping America

Flipping America 515, Insurance Claims HQ



If you own a property, you ought to insure it. Your property is at risk.  If you own investment property, you REALLY need to insure it. Your entire livelihood is at risk. Today we are going to tell you why the insurance you have might be worthless and tell you what you need. If you have the wrong insurance, your company will not cover you in a claim. They are never going to act out of the goodness of their heart. They are a company and companies don’t have a heart. They are going to act in the best interest of their stakeholders or shareholders.  In some cases you might have the RIGHT insurance but they refuse to pay your claim anyway. You would think this would be a rare occurrence, but it happens often enough that entire law firms are built to combat this. Today we are going to speak with one such firm - Insurance Claims Headquarters. And our guest is Attorney Galen Hair.  That’s coming up in just a few minutes.  How to contact us www.RogerBlankenship.com. Leave a voicemail right from the home page! Faceboo