Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe

HFS – Medical Protocols



Health Freedom Series...  Beware of one size fits all medical protocols that may harm you! Most hospitals care more about their bottom line than they do about helping patients these days Corporate Hospitals can hinder patient-doctor relationships and deter individualized treatments Many times the corporately chosen protocol is not right for the person being treated and must be reconsidered I, myself, have had a few close calls with medication protocols that were administered to me Always advocate for yourself or designate an advocate that can speak for you in the hospital You might want to wear a bracelet or carry a card that lists your allergies, sensitivities and medical history Health freedom and choice must remain intact for everyone so we don't fall prey to medical tyranny Just because you can take a certain medication or procedure, it does not mean someone else can Stand up for the right to medical choice before they come after you with a protocol that harms you This video is not meant to diagnose or t